100 things to do when you're bored!

Posted on Thursday 20 May 2010 by Fred | 0 comments
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  1. Eat - One of the best things you can do when you're bored. Make a fry up, get some crisps, make a sandwich, the possibilities are endless.

  2. Sleep - the perfect start to any day, unless you've already started your day. In which case, a good nap feels good anyway.

  3. Jog - If you're feeling lazy, probably not the best thing to do, but it could make you feel a bit healthier. Just go for a quick stroll, or run around the block.

  4. Video Games - This is a pretty obvious one. And is probably what most people will do when they are bored anyway.

  5. Lick your elbow - 99% of people cannot lick their elbow. Also, I bet you just tried to lick your elbow. The only real way to lick your elbow, is if you are double jointed, or have a REALLY long tongue.

  6. Annoy a friend / sibling - This method always passes some time, there is a good possibility you may get punched, but its definately a lot more entertaining for you, than it is for them. Ah, distracted others. Always fun.

  7. Start a converstation with a stranger - You never know you might make a new friend, or lover. Eh up ;). You can do this in the street, or by entering a random telephone number.

  8. ChatRoulette / Omegle - Possibly the funniest / mot disgusting way of passing time. It's basically a chat / video site that connects you to a random stranger to video chat with. So basically, you can do whatever you want, as you don't know them. But...they can do whatever they want...like taking their clothes off.

  9. I'm feeling lucky - Type in a completely random or perculiar word on google, then hit I'm feeling lucky. You never know what is going to show up.

  10. Get drunk - The title says it all.

  11. Baking soda + Vinegar = fun fun fun! - If you so happen to have these two ingredients within the house. Get a sealed container first place the baking soda, then add vinegar, usually about half and half, but different results vary depending on how much of each you use. Then shake, seal the conatiner, and RUN. I mean it, run. If a fairly larger amount of baking soda and vinegar has been used, the food explosion can be quite large. So always protect yourself.

  12. Magnify - If its sunny weather outside, who says you can't have fun burning things with a magnifying glass, plants, wood, ants. Although maybe not ants, thats a bit mean. (But fun).

  13. Build a den - Who cares how old you are, building a fort / den can be suprising fun :)

  14. Cinnamon challenge - See how long you can keep a spoonful of Chinammon in your mouth for. It's surprisingly hard, the best results occur when playing or competing with a friend.

  15. Cracker challenge - See how many crackers you can eat before dying / coughing / or needing a drink. Again, a lot more fun competing with a friend.

  16. Exercise - Improves health, makes you stronger, increases stamina there are lots of benefits for exercising. And it makes you tired, which will lead to sleep, also fun :)

  17. Mentos bomb - Using a friend / family memebers bottle of coke. Take a mentos mint, place a piece of string through the middle (use a nail to make the hole) then, place the mentos in the lid by holding the pieces of string outside the bottle, and screwing the top back on. Then simply cut the string so there are no signs, and the mentos should hold in place. When the bottle is opened the mentos drops into the coke, and coke goes EVERYWHERE! For best results use fresh mentos, and fizzy, new coke (preferably unopened to begin with).

  18. Shoe freeze - Using someone elses shoes, soak in water for about 2 mintues, the place in the freezer, leave for a bout 5 hours minimum then put it back where you found it, if your friend plans on using those shoes soon after, they will find it to be completely frozen!

  19. Naughty videos - Sometimes, its the only thing left to do.

  20. Rubiks cube - If you have a spare rubiks cube lying about, try and solve it, I'm not going to lie but its very hard, unless someone teachers you or you happen to be a genius, it could take a while. But deeply satisfying upon completion.

  21. Mattress Surfing - If you haven't tried this, you haven't lived! Take 2 or 3 mattress's from your home, place them on the stairs and shove loads of pilows and quilts at the bottom (for safety reasons, a helmet could also be worn) then go! Just throw yourself down, its amazing how much fun it can be.

  22. Mattress Jumping - Similar to mattress surfing, except rather than sliding on the mattress, you place them on the floor, or wall and jump off things into them. Fun or what?

  23. Cloud Watching - It would probably have to be a nice day, or at least contain a fair few clouds. Go outside, lye down on the grass, and watch clouds, you'll be surprised how many clouds look similar to everyday objects, or famous landmarks etc.

Write down 100 things you can do when you're bored - You guessed it. Thats how this blog came to be in the first place.

So have fun! You must be bored if you are visiting this site anyway and hopefully after picking a few of these, you will have found something to do.

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